Thursday, January 27, 2011

Florence! (Finally)

So, first time i've had internet since I left my small house in Oklahoma.  The trip here was complex, and of course full of tense and cheek-clenching moments. Let's begin, shall we?

Well of course, there is the dreaded and infamous drop-off at the daunting tulsa airport.  We ALL know who cried big time, but seriously, who can blame them? It was sad. I'm away, for a really long time, so its understandable. And no one followed me to the gate!! Good job Mom! Now is when the fun part begins.  I've compounded this party of a trip into segments with catchy titles. Clever, no?

Trippin' to Chicago: destination O'Fear airport
So this plane is smaller than expected, first sort of downside. And there is the fact that ya know I have to get assistance to put my baggage in the overhead compartment, so that's demeaning. And then, there are the children. Not just any children. The Children.   Oldest is a girl, around 4 at the oldest, and her "endearing" younger brother cannot be past 3.  I like kids, everyone knows that, but these children were vicious. THey would not sit down, not obey their mom, and would scream. AND moved around so much as to actually move the cabin. Ma'm, that turbulance you're experiencing? That's YOUR CHILDREN. And even more so, I hear momma (whose voice sounds like a combination of Kloe Kardashian, Oprah Winfrey, and Miley Cyrus) say something about Frankfurt and an hour and a half until the next flight. I"m going to frankfurt, and my flight leaves in about an hour and a half. Doomed, i think. But God is good. 

Atlantic voyage: I've seen this already
So I find the gate to my international flight (EEKK!!) easily, and after desperately searching for an einstein bagels (couldn't find it, sad day) I settled on a mediocre-yet-overpriced ceaser salad.  I'm waiting to board, I board, and totally can't even reach the overhead bin. Ma'm do you need help with that? Yes, but I don't want your help if it also comes with a side of pity and a glass of mild amusement. Flight is late, like almost an hour late starting off.  Awesome. And I can't sleep, and i watch movies continuously. I watch the Social network 1 1/2 ish times, scott pilgrim (in french and english- bonus points!), and some weird british movie about Keira Knightly dying an atoning death and a boy with no soul drawing wombats. I still haven't figured out what it all means.  Arrive at Frankfurt at 6:30 local time. Next time plane leaves, 8:10. 

The Frankfurt FAIL
So newsflash, I can't read german. And in this airport, signs in english are scarce.  I'm asking around for how to get to my gate, and everyone tells me to just go around the corner, there are signs, you can't miss it?! I want to yell. My international phone doesn't work, I can't get wifi on my phone, and I try to dial internationally and it won't work. Total helplessness. So I just go, and I take the train thing to my terminal. BUT I have to go through another around of security, but not customs. And of course, my bags get stopped for a few minutes.  I'm so angry at the German nation at this point I don't buy anything in the airport (despite my hunger- I refused dinner on my flight because it sounded NASTY. But they gave me yogurt in the morning. This whole frankfurt business though had made my sweat big time, so I was starving). So I get to my gate, get on a bus (that's right, a bus) and ride it to my airplane. On said bus, I pick up an Asian man's dropped boarding pass and give it back to him, and he stares at me the rest of teh ride. Firenze, please be kind to this weary traveling soul. 

Florence Here I .... Oh wait.
Ten minutes till I land in Florence, my new home. Loudspeaker announcement in German. I wait for the English translation, only to discover that it's too foggy to land in Florence. And we have to land somewhere else. Like Bologna. Where is Bologna you might ask? I still don't know. All I know is I get off at the Bologna airport,  where a bus will take me to Florence (sigh of relief!).  To my surprise, I go straight through security and out into Italy.  No passport stamp, no customs. Maybe they'll do it in Florence? No. Straight into a cab I go. I also might add here that my life was on the line many a time in this cab. As well as the bus. Never driving here, people here are nuts behind the wheel. 

Ultimate Firenze 
So now I'm Florence. And this city is everything everyone says it is.  Its beautiful, its so easy to get around, and there is food everywhere! I haven't had anything too adventurous yet, just some basic pizza (but realllllll good stuff!) and a delicious croissant this morning.  Oh, and a pear that was sooo gooood.  Pictures to come, and Rome adventures to come as well! 

Buon Appetito  

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