Monday, January 31, 2011

Uh.... Va Bene!

Today was the official start of classes. And guess what I did? I didn't go to class.
Fear not, dear readers! Your scholarly traveler has not abandoned her tiring studying habits! Lucky as this may sound, I simply didn't have any classes today.  It's true, no class on monday or friday. We're talking a four day weekend, EVERY WEEKEND. Oh excuse me, what's that at the door? Travel opportunities.

So today consisted of finding my classes in this winding city.  The roads here are totally different than my grid-like Tulsa, so this takes getting used to.  I found an American diner with my new amica, Laura Ann. Readers, do not think that your culinary epicurian has also abadoned her mission to taste all that is exotic and unfamiliar.  I just went to get information about the travel opportunities mentioned above. And a hearty breakfast. And a free mimosa.

Anyway, after that adventure, I experienced the most epic supermarket I've found since my arrival in Italia. Self-checkout! Fresh Fruit! 1.5 L Water Bottles For .15 Euro! And the BEST darn orange juice I've ever guzzled down.  SERIOUSLY. It's red orange juice, and it just changed my mind about fruit juice.
BUT downside to shopping in italy for food is that the preparation instructions are in italian. Crazy, I know. Totally caught me off guard.  So if anyone has a good way to cook lentils, please share your wisdom.  Because I really don't want to Google translate my way through a ultimately disappointing meal.

OH! In other news, we accidently stumbled across the magical chocolate place I found, and I tried some dark chocolate gelato and pistacio gelato.  SO DELICIOUS. Such a good chocolate fix for times when you just feel like nothing else matters in this life but getting chocolate.  Oh, no one else feels like that? oh. well then. sorry I shared that. this is awkward. This blog just got real personal. Uhhh... here's a picture of the gelato!

Anyway, a welcome dinner tonight for all LdM students is on the agenda for this evening.  Until then, dear readers!

Buon appetito!

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