Tuesday, February 1, 2011

First Day of class? FIELD TRIP.

First day of school, first day of school! And it was EPIC. First off, my Italian language professor is adorable, petite, and the stereotypical italian.  Waves her hands, exaggerates, and says "No No No!" when we pronounce things incorrectly.  Now, the next class is sort of the main attraction here: The Food of Italy. What we did today? Went to the open-air market, so I can familiarize myself with the ingredients I'll be using to cook with.  Then we made three (that's right, THREE) different kinds of pasta in 30 minutes. Total.  Molto Bene! Oh, and I had to crush up some pepperocinos and put them in the olive oil with three cloves of garlic, and then I touched my nose.  FIERY NOSTRILS. I told my prof what happened, and she exclaimed "Oh no! I mean to tell you no touch the nose!" in the cutest accent ever. So my homework is some standard language stuff, and reading about the history of dessert in Italy, and a brief history over coffee.  Next week, chocolate festival, and learning how to make chocolatey things.

I feel like I'm scamming the U of A- telling them I'm taking academic classes and everything. This is academic, right?

Oh, and in other news, made my first meal in the apartment (some spaghetti with ground beef.  I missed beef so much, I just had to have some in some form).  And, I saw a guy getting arrested on the way to the store. Not on my street, just kind of by the store.  Surprisingly, everyone remained calm around the situation.  COPS had me deceived, apparently all arrests are not hysterically violent and/or entertaining. DISAPPOINTMENT.

Anyway, class tomorrow from noon to 5:30.  I've gotta get some school supplies, because the store had absolutely none.  Also, I'm checking out the gym situation in Florence, because I miss working out. That's right, I said it.  I miss working out.  So much. Turbokick, where art thou?

Buon Appetito!

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